================= Meson Integration ================= Support for generating GObject introspection data is included in Meson directly and accessible through the ``gnome.generate_gir()`` function. See the `meson documentation `__ for details. For some real examples, see the meson build definitions of various GNOME modules: Pango: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/pango/blob/master/pango/meson.build .. code-block:: python pango_gir = gnome.generate_gir( libpango, sources: pango_sources + pango_headers + [ pango_enum_h ], namespace: 'Pango', nsversion: pango_api_version, identifier_prefix: 'Pango', symbol_prefix: 'pango', export_packages: 'pango', includes: [ 'GObject-2.0', 'cairo-1.0', ], header: 'pango/pango.h', install: true, extra_args: gir_args, ) json-glib: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/json-glib/blob/master/json-glib/meson.build .. code-block:: python json_glib_gir = gnome.generate_gir( json_lib, sources: source_c + source_h + json_glib_enums + [ json_version_h ], namespace: 'Json', nsversion: json_api_version, identifier_prefix: 'Json', symbol_prefix: 'json', export_packages: json_api_name, includes: [ 'GObject-2.0', 'Gio-2.0', ], header: 'json-glib/json-glib.h', install: true, extra_args: gir_args, )