GObject-Introspection annotations

Symbol visibility


Applies to





Omit the symbol from the introspected output.

v0.6.4 bz#556628

parameters, return value

Indicate that the parameter or return value is only useful in C and should be skipped.

v1.29.0 bz#649657

(rename-to SYMBOL)


Rename the original symbol’s name to SYMBOL. If SYMBOL resolves to a symbol name that is already used, the original binding for that name is removed.

v0.6.3 bz#556475

Memory and lifecycle management


Applies to



(transfer MODE)

identifier (only properties)

Transfer ownership for the property, (see below)

v0.9.0 bz#620484

parameters, return value

Transfer mode for the parameter or return value (see below).

v0.5.0 unknown

Transfer modes:

  • none: the recipient does not own the value

  • container: the recipient owns the container, but not the elements. (Only meaningful for container types.)

  • full: the recipient owns the entire value. For a refcounted type, this means the recipient owns a ref on the value. For a container type, this means the recipient owns both container and elements.

  • floating: alias for none, can be used for floating objects.

container is usually a pointer to a list or hash table, eg GList, GSList, GHashTable etc.

elements is what is contained inside the list: integers, strings, GObjects etc.

Support for GObject objects


Applies to





The annotated symbol should not become available as a static methods but as a constructor.

v0.10.2 bz#561264



This function is a method.

v0.10.2 bz#639945

(virtual SLOT)


This function is the invoker for a virtual method.

v0.6.3 bz#557383

(set-property NAME)

identifier (only applies to methods)

This function is the setter method for the given GObject property. A setter function is defined as being the public function that is called by the GObjectClass.set_property implementation in a class.


(get-property NAME)

identifier (only applies to methods)

This function is the getter method for the given GObject property. A getter function is defined as being the public function that is called by the GObjectClass.get_property implementation in a class.


(setter SYMBOL)

identifier (only applies to properties)

This GObject property is accessed by the given setter function. A setter function is defined as being the public function that is called by the GObjectClass.set_property implementation in a class.


(getter SYMBOL)

identifier (only applies to properties)

This GObject property is accessed by the given getter function. A getter function is defined as being the public function that is called by the GObjectClass.get_property implementation in a class.


(emitter METHOD)

identifier (only applies to methods)

This signal is emitted by the given method

(default-value VALUE)

identifier (only applies to properties)

The default value of a GObject property, as a freeform string


Support for GObject closures

Callbacks in C are conceptually a tuple of three items: a pointer to the function to call, a user data parameter that is given at connect time and passed to each invocation of the callback, and an optional destroy function (usually of type GDestroyNotify) that is called on the user data when the callback will no longer be called. These are usually passed as two or three separate arguments in C APIs, but most language bindings will only pass one argument here.

GObject-Introspection can usually autodetect which two or three arguments belong together as a callback. These annotations are for cases that the autodetection can’t handle.

See also the examples later on this page.


Applies to



(destroy PARAM_NAME)

function parameter

This annotation is placed on the callback pointer argument. PARAM_NAME is the name of the parameter that is the destroy function.

v0.6.3 bz#574284

(closure PARAM_NAME)

function parameter

This annotation is placed on the callback pointer argument. PARAM_NAME is the name of the parameter that is the user data for the callback. Many bindings can pass NULL here.


callback parameter

This annotation is placed on a callback typedef’s user data argument. Note, not on a user data argument to a function.

Support for non-GObject fundamental objects


Applies to



(ref-func FUNC)


FUNC is the function used to ref a struct, must be a GTypeInstance

v0.9.2 bz#568913

(unref-func FUNC)


FUNC is the function used to unref a struct, must be a GTypeInstance

(get-value-func FUNC)


FUNC is the function used to convert a struct from a GValue, must be a GTypeInstance

(set-value-func FUNC)


FUNC is the function used to convert from a struct to a GValue, must be a GTypeInstance

(copy-func FUNC)


FUNC is the function used to copy a struct or a union


(free-func FUNC)


FUNC is the function used to free a struct or a union


Type signature


Applies to




parameters, return value

Indicates that NULL may be a valid value for a parameter (in, out, inout), or return value (though note that return and out values which are only NULL when throwing an error should not be annotated as (nullable)).

1.42 bz#660879

(not nullable)

parameters, return value

Indicates that NULL is not a valid value for a parameter (in, out, inout), or return value.

1.48 bz#729660



For (out) or (inout) parameters, signifies that the caller can pass NULL to ignore this output parameter.

1.42 bz#660879

(not optional)


For (out) or (inout) parameters, signifies that the caller cannot pass NULL to ignore this output parameter.




In parameter.

v0.5.0 unknown



Out parameter (automatically determine allocation).

v0.5.0 unknown

(out caller-allocates)


Out parameter, where the calling code must allocate storage.

v0.6.13 bz#604749

(out callee-allocates)


Out parameter, where the receiving function must allocate storage.



In/out parameter.

v0.5.0 unknown

(type TYPE)


Override the default type, used for properties

v0.6.2 bz#546739

parameters, return value

override the parsed C type with given type


parameters, return value


v0.5.0 unknown

(array fixed-size=N)

parameters, return value

array of fixed length N

v0.5.0 unknown

(array length=PARAM)

parameters, return value

array, fetch the length from parameter PARAM

v0.5.0 unknown

(array zero-terminated=1)

parameters, return value

array which is NULL terminated

v0.6.0 bz#557786

(element-type TYPE)

parameters, return value

Specify the type of the element inside a container. Can be used in combination with (array).

v0.5.0 unknown

(element-type KTYPE VTYPE)

parameters, return value

Specify the types of the keys and values in a dictionary-like container (eg, GHashTable).

v0.5.0 unknown



The annotated symbol is a foreign struct, meaning it is not available in a g-i supported library.

v0.6.12 bz#619450

(sync-func FUNC)


FUNC is the identifier of the function which implements the synchronous version of the asynchronous function referred to by the annotated symbol.

(async-func FUNC)


FUNC is the identifier of the function which implements the asynchronous version of the synchronous function referred to by the annotated symbol.

(finish-func FUNC)


FUNC is the identifier of the function which returns the result of the asynchronous function referred to by the annotated symbol.

(scope TYPE)


The parameter is a callback, the TYPE option indicates the lifetime of the call. It is mainly used by language bindings wanting to know when the resources required to do the call (for instance ffi closures) can be freed.

v0.6.2 bz#556489

Scope types:

  • call (default) - Only valid for the duration of the call. Can be called multiple times during the call.

  • async - Only valid for the duration of the first callback invocation. Can only be called once.

  • notified - valid until the GDestroyNotify argument is called. Can be called multiple times before the GDestroyNotify is called.

  • forever - valid until the process terminates.

An example of a function using the call scope is g_slist_foreach(). For async there is g_file_read_async() and for notified g_idle_add_full().

Default Annotations

The introspection framework provides default values for parameters, return values, and certain types.

  • (in) parameters: (transfer none)

  • (inout) and (out) parameters: (transfer full)

    • if (caller allocates) is set: (transfer none)

  • gchar* means (type utf8)

  • return values: (transfer full)

    • gchar* means (type utf8) (transfer full)

    • const gchar* means (type utf8) (transfer none)

    • GObject* defaults to (transfer full)

Data annotations


Applies to



(value VALUE)


Used to override constants for defined values, VALUE contains the evaluated value

v0.5.0 unknown

(attributes my.key=val my.key2)

identifier, parameters, return value

Attributes are free-form “key=value” annotations. When present, at least one key has to be specified. Assigning values to keys is optional.

v0.9.0 bz#571548

Deprecated GObject-Introspection annotations





Replaced by (allow-none)

v0.6.0 bz#557405


Replaced by (inout)

1.39.0 bz#688897


Replaced by (nullable) and (optional)

1.42 bz#660879

Possible future GObject-Introspection annotations

These proposed additions are currently being discussed and in various stages of development.


Applies to



(default VALUE)


Default value for a parameter.


(error-domains DOM1 DOM2)


Typed errors, similar to throws in Java.


Default Basic Types

Basic types:

  • gpointer: pointer to anything

  • gboolean:boolean

  • gint[8,16,32,64]: integer

  • guint[8,16,32,64]: unsigned integer

  • glong: long

  • gulong: unsigned long

  • GType: a gtype

  • gfloat: float

  • gdouble: double

  • utf8: string encoded in UTF-8, not containing any embedded nuls

  • filename: filename string (see below)

  • guint8 array: binary data

Filename type:

The filename type represents an utf-8 string on Windows and a zero terminated guint8 array on Unix. It should be used for filenames, environment variables and process arguments.

Reference to Object Instances


  • Object: a GObject instance

  • Gtk.Button: a Gtk.Button instance



 * mylib_get_constant1:
 * Returns: (transfer full): a constant, free when you used it
gchar *
mylib_get_constant1 (void)
   return g_strdup("a constant");
 * mylib_get_constant2:
 * Returns: (transfer none): another constant
const gchar *
mylib_get_string2 (void)
   return "another constant";
 * mylib_get_string_list1:
 * Returns: (element-type utf8) (transfer full): list of constants,
 *          free the list with g_slist_free and the elements with g_free when done.
GSList *
mylib_get_string_list1 (void)
   GSList *l = NULL;
   l = g_slist_append (l, g_strdup ("foo"));
   l = g_slist_append (l, g_strdup ("bar"));
   return l;
 * mylib_get_string_list2:
 * Returns: (element-type utf8) (transfer container): list of constants
 *          free the list with g_slist_free when done.
GSList *
mylib_get_string_list2 (void)
   GSList *l = NULL;
   l = g_slist_append (l, "foo");
   l = g_slist_append (l, "bar");
   return l;

Array length

 * gtk_list_store_set_column_types:
 * @store: a #GtkListStore
 * @n_columns: Length of @types
 * @types: (array length=n_columns): List of types
gtk_list_store_set_column_types (GtkListStore *list_store,
                                 gint          n_columns,
                                 GType        *types);

Nullable parameters

A number of things are nullable by convention, which means that you do not have to add a (nullable) annotation to your code for them to be marked as nullable in a GIR file. If you need to mark a parameter or return value as not nullable, use (not nullable) to override the convention. Conventionally, the following are automatically nullable:

  • (closure) parameters and their corresponding user data parameters

  • gpointer parameters and return types, unless also annotated with (type)

 * gtk_link_button_new_with_label:
 * @uri: A URI
 * @label: (nullable): A piece of text or NULL
GtkWidget *
gtk_link_button_new_with_label (const gchar *uri,
                                const gchar *label);
 * g_source_add_unix_fd:
 * @source: a #GSource
 * @fd: the fd to monitor
 * @events: an event mask
 * Returns: (not nullable): an opaque tag
g_source_add_unix_fd (GSource      *source,
                      gint          fd,
                      GIOCondition  events);

 * g_source_remove_unix_fd:
 * @source: a #GSource
 * @tag: (not nullable): the tag from g_source_add_unix_fd()
g_source_remove_unix_fd (GSource  *source,
                         gpointer  tag);

G(S)List contained types

 * gtk_container_get_children:
 * @container: A #GtkContainer
 * Returns: (element-type Gtk.Widget) (transfer container): List of #GtkWidget
gtk_container_get_children (GtkContainer *container);
 * FooBar:alist: (type GSList(NiceObj))
 * This property is a GSList of NiceObj GOjects.
    g_object_class_install_property (object_class,
                                     g_param_spec_pointer ("alist",
                                                           "A list of nice objects",


 * gtk_widget_get_size_request:
 * @width: (out): Int to store width in
 * @height: (out): Int to store height in

Out parameters

This is a callee-allocates example; the (out) annotation automatically infers this from the fact that there’s a double indirection on a structure parameter.

typedef struct _FooSubObj FooSubObj

 * foo_obj_get_sub_obj:
 * @obj: A #FooObj
 * @subobj: (out): A #FooSubObj
 * Get a sub object.
foo_obj_get_sub_obj (FooObj     *obj,
                     FooSubObj **subobj)
  *subobj = foo_sub_object_new ();

This is a caller-allocates example; the (out) annotation automatically infers this from the fact that there’s only a single indirection on a structure parameter.

typedef struct _FooIter FooIter;

 * foo_obj_get_iter:
 * @obj: A #FooObj
 * @iter: (out): An iterator, will be initialized
 * Get an iterator.
foo_obj_get_iter (FooObj *obj,
                  FooIter *iter)
  iter->state = 0;

An example which demonstrates an (optional) parameter: an (out) parameter where the caller can pass NULL if they don’t want to receive the (out) value. Note that if the GError is returned set, the value of contents and length might be unspecified and should therefore not be used or freed.

 * g_file_get_contents:
 * @filename: name of a file to read contents from, in the GLib file name encoding
 * @contents: (out): location to store an allocated string, use g_free() to free the returned string
 * @length: (out) (optional): location to store length in bytes of the contents, or NULL
 * @error: return location for a GError, or NULL
 * [...]
 * Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE if an error occurred
gboolean g_file_get_contents (const gchar *filename,
                              gchar **contents,
                              gsize *length,
                              GError **error);

/* this is valid because length has (optional) */
g_file_get_contents ("/etc/motd", &motd, NULL, &error); // VALID
/* but this is not valid, according to those annotations */
g_file_get_contents ("/etc/motd", NULL, NULL, &error); // NOT VALID

mylib_hash_table_iter_next() demonstrates the difference between (nullable) and (optional) for (out) parameters. For an (out) or (inout) parameter, (optional) indicates that NULL may be passed by the caller to indicate they don’t want to receive the (out) value. (nullable) indicates that NULL may be passed out by the callee as the returned value.

 * mylib_hash_table_iter_next:
 * @iter: an initialized #MylibHashTableIter
 * @key: (out) (optional): a location to store the key
 * @value: (out) (optional) (nullable): a location to store the value
 * [...]
 * Returns: %FALSE if the end of the #MylibHashTable has been reached.
mylib_hash_table_iter_next (MylibHashTableIter *iter,
                            gpointer           *key,
                            gpointer           *value);

/* this is valid because value and key have (optional) */
mylib_hash_table_iter_next (iter, NULL, NULL);

gpointer key, value;
mylib_hash_table_iter_next (iter, &key, &value);

if (value == NULL)
  /* this is valid because value has (nullable) */
if (key == NULL)
  /* this is NOT VALID because key does not have (nullable) */

Rename to

Rename to is an advisory annotation. It’s not required to fulfil the advisory when generating or making a language binding. The way it is currently implemented, if you rename a function to a name already in use, it will remove the other binding. This is useful to eliminate unwanted/deprecated functions from the binding.

Another (currently unimplemented) use for the rename annotation would be overloading; for example, overloading of constructors or, like in this example, overloading a method to be both an asynchronous and a synchronous one (depending on the amount and what kind of parameters).

 * my_type_perform_async: (rename-to my_type_perform)
 * @self: The this ptr
 * @data: data
 * @callback: callback when async operation finished
 * @user_data: user_data for @callback
 * Asynchronously perform
my_type_perform_async (MyType *self, gpointer data,
                       GFunc callback,
                       gpointer user_data);

 * my_type_perform:
 * @self: The this ptr
 * @data: data
 * Perform
my_type_perform (MyType *self, gpointer data);

In a language supporting method overloading, because we advised to rename to perform, and because we have another perform already, this could be bound like this:

class MyType {
  public void perform (Pointer data) { }
  public void perform (Pointer data, GFunc callback, Pointer user_data) { }

However, currently the generated gir/typelib will only contain information about my_type_perform_async, which will shadow (ie, remove) the binding of my_type_perform.


Attributes are arbitrary key/value pairs that can be attached to almost any item including classes, methods, signals, properties, parameters and return values. These attributes appear in both the .gir and the .typelib files. Attributes can serve as a mechanism for software higher in the toolchain. Attributes are name-spaced using dot as a separator. At least one dot must appear in the key name.

 * my_frobnicator_poke_path: (attributes gdbus.method PokePath)
 * @frobnicator: A #MyFrobnicator
 * @object_path: (gdbus.signature o): An object path.
 * Manipulate an object path.
 * Returns: (gdbus.signature o): A new object path. Free with g_free().
gchar *
my_frobnicator_poke_path (MyFrobnicator *frobnicator,
                          const gchar   *object_path)


 * MY_CONSTANT: (value 100)
 * A constant.
#define MY_CONSTANT 10 * 10


A parameter named user_data in a callback will automatically be detected as the user data for the callback. When the parameter is named differently, the (closure) annotation is needed.

 * MyMethodCallback:
 * @your_number: The number from the method.
 * @your_data: (closure): User data passed to my_object_do_method().
typedef void (*MyMethodCallback)(int your_number, void *your_data);

 * my_object_do_method:
 * @self: The object.
 * @call_me_maybe: (scope call) (closure my_data) (destroy now_im_done): A
 *   pointer to the function to call.
 * @my_data: User data to pass to @call_me_maybe.
 * @now_im_done: Function to call when finished with @my_data.
my_object_do_method(MyObject *self,
                    MyMethodCallback call_me_maybe,
                    void *my_data,
                    GDestroyNotify now_im_done) {
  /* ... */

Virtual methods

Virtual methods can be documented as follows

 * MyFrobnicatorClass::frobnicate:
 * @data: Data to frobnicate
 * Frobnicates the data, tastefully.
void (* frobnicate) (MyFrobnicator *self,
                     const char    *data);

If a virtual method is invoked by a signal, and the signal is emitted by a method, for example:

 * my_frobnicator_frobnicate:
 * @self: a frobnicator
 * @data: Data to frobnicate
 * Frobnicates the `data`, tastefully.
 * Emits the frobnicate signal.
my_frobnicator_frobnicate (MyFrobnicator *self,
                           const char    *data)

then unless there is explicit documentation for the virtual method, the introspection data for the virtual method will be generated using the emitter’s introspection data.